His love for Health and Fitness

When he was young, Josh Paul became a baseball fan, reenacting great plays with his glove, in the living room of his childhood home. He signed up with OFA Baseball and played for a few years. He loved being out on that field. 

As an adult, Josh Paul could often be found running around Memorial Park. He trained with friends and competed in 5K’s, half-marathons, marathons, and triathlons. As an educator, he participated in all student-teacher athletic competitions, and had a great time as a referee, and umpire, in district sporting events. 

He was a huge fan of Houston sports throughout his life. There were many times he waited hours to meet some of the players around the city. He spent many afternoons and evenings taking his son to Houston Astros, Houston Texans, Houston Rockets and Houston Dynamo games. 

If you brought up any professional athlete, Josh was famous for knowing their current stats and expectations for their upcoming season. It was incredible to hear him speak to anyone about their favorite player. He could easily keep up.